Udenlandsk militærhistorie

583 produkter

    583 produkter
    The War of 1812
    120,00 kr
    Renaissance Armies, 1480-1650
    160,00 kr
    Historiens Største slag. Krig gennem 5000 år.
    200,00 kr
    Den fransk-tyske krig 1870-1871
    100,00 kr
    Höhe- und Wendepunkte deutscher Militärgeschichte
    125,00 kr
    Spion Kop
    60,00 kr
    The Scots Guards 1919-1955
    100,00 kr
    Trediveårskrigen. Europa i brand 1618-48.
    150,00 kr
    Campaign of Adowa and the Rise of Menelik, first Italo-Ethiopian War
    80,00 kr
    The Middle East Commandos
    120,00 kr
    Beiträge zur Geschichte der Handwaffen des Königreiches Preussen.
    330,00 kr
    The World Of Jack Aubrey
    90,00 kr
    The Kenya Police 1887-1960
    450,00 kr
    Die Kriege der deutschen Schutztruppen
    85,00 kr
    The Paras. The Story Of The Parachute Regiment.
    100,00 kr
    The Rhodesian African Rifles
    90,00 kr
    Military Elites
    100,00 kr
    Jimmie Stewart, Frontiersman
    95,00 kr
    The FANY in Peace and War:
    120,00 kr
    Captured Memories 1900-1918
    100,00 kr
    Die Kaiserliche Schutz- und Polizeitruppe für Afrika
    250,00 kr
    Yeomanry Drum Banners and Mounted Bands.
    100,00 kr
    The Yorkshire Hussars.
    30,00 kr
    Born to Fight
    175,00 kr
    153rd Leicestershire Yeomanry Field Regiment R.A., T.A., 1939-1945
    175,00 kr
    "Surrender be Damned"
    180,00 kr
    Saturday Night Soldier
    75,00 kr
    History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery: The Years of Defeat. Europa and North Africa 1939-1941
    160,00 kr
    History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery: the Far East Theatre, 1941-1946
    250,00 kr
    One More River to Cross
    190,00 kr
    The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery
    120,00 kr
    Horse Gunners: Royal Horse Artillery: 200 Years of Panache and Professionalism
    100,00 kr
    Rivals of the Raj: Non-British Colonial Armies in Asia 1497-1941.
    380,00 kr
    Forrard. The Story of the East Riding Yeomanry.
    120,00 kr
    The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars
    100,00 kr
    Yeomanry of the East Riding
    90,00 kr
    The Story of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry, Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, 1798-1998
    90,00 kr
    Sabres to Scout Cars: An Illustrated History of the Lothians and Border Horse
    80,00 kr